রেজোলিউশন/আঞ্চলিক পরিষদ গঠন, নভেম্বর ২০১৬
নিচের রেজোলিউশনটি উইকিমিডিয়া বাংলাদেশে নির্বাহী পরিষদ কর্তৃক {{{অনুমোদনের তারিখ}}} তারিখে পাস হয়েছে।
নির্বাহী পরিষদের সদস্যদের মধ্যে ৮ জন পক্ষে ভোট প্রদান করেছেন ও কেউ বিপক্ষে ভোট প্রদান করেননি। কেউ ভোট প্রদানে বিরত ছিলেন না ও ১ জন সদস্য ভোট প্রদান করেননি।
এই ভোট গ্রহণের সময় কারও ভোট প্রদানের অধিকার খর্ব করা হয়নি।
- পক্ষে ভোট প্রদান করেছেন: আলী হায়দার খান, নাহিদ সুলতান, তানভির মোর্শেদ, মুনির হাসান, তানভির রহমান, নুরুন্নবী চৌধুরী (হাছিব), শাবাব মুস্তাফা, ও মাসুম-আল-হাসান
- ভোট প্রদান করেননি: মহীন রীয়াদ
- 1. The Regional Committee (“RC”) is being created to improve regional engagement of Wikimedia Bangladesh (“WMBD”) in different regions of Bangladesh;
- 2. RC will focus on activities of WMBD’s Executive Committee (“EC”) designated regional communities;
- 3. Specific geographical regions will be decided and named by the EC to create a RC to function properly;
- 4. The naming format of a regional community shall be ‘Wikipedia Community’ starting with the region’s name;
- 5. Only a Regular Member of WMBD can be a RC member;
- 6. RC is required to:
- a. Have at least three (3) and/or at most seven (7) Regular Members of WMBD who are residents of the region where the designated regional community functions;
- b. Plan, budget, manage, and report local programs and events in their region to the EC;
- c. Actively promote and participate in WMBD’s nation-wide programs and events;
- d. Advise EC about the needs and challenges of their community;
- e. Submit a quarterly activity report to the EC;
- f. Maintain constant collaboration with EC through their EC liaison(s);
- g. Maintain good working relationships with other WMBD recognized entities in their region;
- h. Collaborate with local Wikipedia community members to help them improve their performance and solve their problems;
- 7. RC shall have the following structure:
- a. A RC shall have one specific Regular Member of WMBD to lead the committee;
- b. The lead of a RC shall be a member of Operations Committee;
- c. The lead of a RC shall have the designation ‘Community Director, Regional Operations’ of their RC;
- d. The lead of a RC is responsible to:
- i. Manage and report overall operations of their RC to the EC;
- ii. Recommend EC in necessary changes of the RC’s structure and membership;
- iii. Maintain close collaboration with the EC liaison;
- e. All other members except the lead of a RC shall have the designation ‘Coordinator’ followed by the regional community’s name;
- 8. An existing RC shall have a term length of one (1) year which will end on 30 June of each year regardless the time of the year a RC has been recognized;
- 9. An existing RC is required to apply to the Secretary of WMBD for an extension before 15th of June;
- 10. The Secretary of WMBD shall extend the term of an existing RC upon discussing its activities and/or required changes in the committee with EC;
- 11. EC shall discontinue or dissolve a Regional Committee if:
- a. EC finds the RC incompatible to the Goals and Objectives of WMBD;
- b. RC fails to maintain necessary activities to function the committee properly;
- c. There are not enough active RC members to keep the RC properly functioned;
- d. It engages with unethical, unlawful and/or questionable activities;
- 12. EC may remove a RC member from an existing RC if:
- a. They stay out of the region of the RC for more than six (6) months;
- b. They become inactive in the RC activities;
- c. They are charged with unlawful and/or questionable activities;
- 13. EC shall recognize the formation of a new RC with written resolution;
- 14. EC holds the rights to discontinue and/or cancel a RC with written resolution;
This resolution is effective immediately when passed.