To use these commands, you need to be identified to nickserv, and be granted access to the channel. See how to register your nickname and identify. Additionally, in some IRC clients you can use /chanserv or /cs instead of /msg chanserv for these commands.

To give yourself operator status
/msg chanserv op #wikimedia
To remove operator status from yourself
/msg chanserv deop #wikimedia
To give someone else operator status
/msg chanserv op #wikimedia user
To remove operator status from someone else
/msg chanserv deop #wikimedia user
To set a user to be automatically removed
/msg chanserv akick #wikipedia add nick!user@host reason to be kicked (use :reason to be kicked (note the additional ":") instead to have spaces in the reason)

Channel operator commands


Various IRC clients have different commands. Most of the commands in this list should work on all popular IRC clients, but there may be additional commands available or alternate syntax for these commands. If there are multiple commands listed and one command fails to work, try using another to accomplish the same result. Consult your IRC client's manuals, help files, or a general IRC reference for more information about these commands and other command interfaces.

channel info
/msg ChanServ info <channel>
Complete access
/msg ChanServ FLAGS #wikipedia-bn Nahid +AFRVefiorstv
Set channel email
/cs set #channel email [email@address]
Set channel url
/cs set #wikimedia-bd url
To kick a user
/kick #wikimedia jwales
/kick jwales
To ban a user[]
/mode #wikimedia +b nick!user@host
To quickly kick and ban a user[]
/kickban jwales
To silence a user
/mode #wikimedia +q nick!user@host
To lock the topic[]
/mode #wikimedia +t
To switch to "moderated" channel mode[]
/mode #wikimedia +m
To voice a user in moderated channel mode
/mode #wikimedia +v jwales
/voice jwales
/msg chanserv voice #wikimedia jwales
To remove operator privileges
/mode #wikimedia -o jwales
/deop jwales
/msg chanserv op #wikimedia -yournick
To verify that a user is registered, and determine their account name
/msg nickserv info <nickname>
To permanently invite a user to a private channel (channel mode +i, invite-only)
/mode #wikimedia-staff +I $a:<account name>
To revoke a permanent invitation in a private channel
/mode #wikimedia-staff -I $a:<account name>
To add someone to a channel's access list (helps with management of permissions especially in large channels)
/msg chanserv access #wikimedia-staff add <account name>
To revoke a user's access to a channel
/msg chanserv access #wikimedia-staff del <account name>
To rename & redirect a channel to a new name[]
/msg chanserv op #oldchannel
/msg chanserv op #newchannel
/topic #oldchannel We have moved to #newchannel, please type /join #newchannel to get to us
/msg chanserv SET #oldchannel GUARD ON
/msg chanserv SET #oldchannel MLOCK +tnsmif #newchannel
/msg chanserv SET #oldchannel TOPICLOCK ON
/msg chanserv SET #oldchannel PRIVATE ON
  1. /topic msg =channel topic
  2. /msg ChanServ SET #cvn-bn-scan ENTRYMSG [msg] = ENTRYMSG
  3. /msg ChanServ ACCESS #wikipedia-bn ADD NahidSultan +V = permanent voiced
  1. @help = সাহায্য
  2. @notify NahidSultan = কোন ব্যবহারকারীকে নোটিফাই
  3. @whoami = আমি কে?
  4. @seen NahidSultan = কোন ব্যবহারকারীর সর্বশেষ অবস্থা জানতে
  5. wm-bot: Thanks
  1. @linkie-on/off (চালু করা আছে) = উইকি লিংক করবে স্বয়ংক্রিয়ভাবে। যেমন, আপনি যদি [[বাংলাদেশ]] লিখেন তাহলে স্বয়ংক্রিয়ভাবে বাংলা উইকির লিংক দেখাবে।
  2. @statistics-on / @statistics-off (চালু আছে) = চ্যানেল ব্যবহারের পরিসংখ্যান
  3. @rss-on = rss ফিড
  4. @language en (চালু) = ভাষা
  5. @rc-ping= চ্যানেলের কখন সর্বশেষ পরিবর্তন হয়েছে।
  6. @trustadd/@trustdel .*@wikipedia/NahidSultan trusted = কোন ব্যবহারকারীকে লেভেল যুক্ত/বাতিল করা
  1. @RC+/- User:NahidSultan = পরিবর্তন
  2. @RC+ User:NahidSultan/* = একই পেইজের সব সাবপেইজসহ


@kick user <reason> = Kick user from a channel
@kb user <reason> = Kickban a user from the channel
@jb user = Set a redirect ban. This is supposed to be used for people who join flood channel because of temporary connection issues
@q user = Quiet a user
@unq user = Removes a quiet from user
@unkb user = Removes a ban of user
  1. @info NahidSultan = ব্যবহারকারীর বাংলা উইকির তথ্য সব তথ্য
  2. -ip
  1. Banning a user only prevents their entry. They must be kicked separately.
  2. Depending on your client, the ban may be set on the user's nickname, host, or username+host combination. You may be able to adjust this. (For example, in irssi, /set ban_type host.) Consult your IRC client's documentation.
  3. Locking the topic prevent non-ops from changing it (useful if a topic war is ongoing)
  4. In a moderated channel, no one can talk unless they are an operator or are voiced (mode +v). This is usually an extreme measure, since it prevents people from using the channel. Use with discretion.
  5. Copied from